5 days Off!

Wow! I actually did it! I took 5 days off of work! For those of you who know me, you know how hard that is, but I have really, really enjoyed myself! (Ok, so I had 1 little shoot, but seriously, that was IT!) I absolutely LOVE what I do and I am passionate about my work, so I always feel like I have a million things to do, people who are depending on me, blog readers who are looking to read the next post, clients to meet with, etc. It can be hard for me to take a break, because I want to stay on top of everything and make sure everyone has exactly everything they need and everyone is happy. Yep...I do a lot for everyone else. Time to take some time for myself! I've been trying to do more and more of this and I must say I am feeling much more balanced because of it!

In the last 5 days I have...

Caught up on sleep Started running again (in prep for the indoor triathlon in a couple months....I still loathe running...) Bought some new records on Vinyl Broke the record player... Caught up with friends Made some very yummy food Ate all of the yummy food Saw my family Went to some improv comedy (which I highly recommend!) Bought a new toy (that is proving to be a TON of fun!) Enjoyed some Sunday Morning Yoga Started working on a new project!! Bought some tickets for John Mayer's Concert (in row 11...!!!!!) Watched some movies and Started making some dreams happen!

....Pretty boring and VERY awesome!

I hope you all had a very relaxing Thanksgiving weekend!

It's officially 'holiday season' (que Christmas music...)


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