The time has come for even MORE exciting news!
Since blogging about my Fall Bookings for one-on-one LOVEe Consults, there has been much chatter from people in the Southwest states showing interest! It just so happens that I will be in the Denver area at the end of September and I felt like it was the perfect opportunity to offer a Group LOVEe Consult!
What?!?!? A Group?!?! Here's the scoop:
Wednesday, September, 29, 2010
Denver, Colorado!!!!!
The location of the workshop will be held in The Corner Office, which is part of The Curtis Hotel, right downtown! We'll have a super cool, inspiring area, all to ourselves!
Photographers who want to take their business to the next level and have been yearning for some mentoring to get there! My goal is to keep this group very small, so you still get the one-on-one treatment that is so special about LOVEe Consults. There's also huge benefits, relationships and advice that come out of a group environment as well, which is an added bonus!
How is a Group LOVEe Consult different from a one-on-one consult?
The group consult will have a group element to it. The day will be heavily based on critique on your business, branding, ideas, goals, inspiration etc. We will still be covering all of the topics that we do in a normal consult, which are:
The Artist Intense Critique Goal Setting Marketing Submissions Equipment and Shooting Techniques Inspiration Open Q&A!
The night will also conclude with a sweet dinner with yours truly!
What's my investment for a Group LOVEe Consult?
Here's the brilliant part! Since it's not one-on-one, it's only $500!
Remember, I do want to keep this to a very small and intimate group, so spaces are super limited!
To reserve your spot, sign up here!
For more information on the Group LOVEe Consult, CLICK HERE!
I'm super excited to share the love! (cheezy, but true!) DENVER, here we come!