LOVEe Consults: Noelle from Fishtale Photography!

This past week, I had a LOVEe Consult with the fabulous Noelle of Fishtale Photography! We had an amazing day what I loved about her consult is that we just simply talked! Noelle use to work in Law, before pursuing her dream of being a photographer and running her own business, and I am SUPER proud of her for taking the leap and going out on her own! Usually, I give a recap on the day, but I thought I would switch it up a bit! This is Noelle's 'testimonial' of her LOVEe Consult:

"My LOVEe Consult...

Webster's Dictionary says that the definition of love is an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. Others define love as a positive regard for something. But, I think Eliesa is the definition of LOVE when it comes to photography.  Eliesa has a LOVE for really connecting with others to help them understand photography as a profession...  The LOVEe Consult was just what I needed and exactly what I had envisioned it to be.  I felt as though she had designed the consult Just. For. Me.  Her concise explanations and answers to my constant questions and her what-could-have-been-really-painful-and-harsh-but-was-actually-more-of-a-loving critique of my current business was something I really needed to hear...and wouldn't have gotten anywhere else.  Her suggestions on how to enhance what I have been doing are going to take me to a newer level in photography.  I would recommend a LOVEe Consult to any photographer who is looking to gain new insight into ways to be a better photographer and achieve a stronger business...regardless of how long they've been in the industry..."

~ Noelle


We are now booking LOVEe Consults for this winter!

If you would like to know more information, please download the LOVEe Consults PDF here!

Have more questions or want to sign up? E-mail me at
