The Photogen Inc. Crew and You!!

It's that time of the year again! Each year, photographers from all around the world descend upon Las Vegas for the biggest photography convention out there! Our days are filled with learning, partying, trade-showing, partying, testing new equipment, partying, seeing old friends, partying and making new friends!Do you see a trend? Vegas is absolutely all about having fun and rocking out with the best in the photography industry!

I've received a lot of e-mails from photographers requesting to get together and meet our crew! The best way to hook up with us is to follow us on twitter to see where we are and and the shenanigans we are up to!

We will be in Las Vegas March 7-10.

Follow eliesa on twitter: @photogeninc

On Sunday night we will be attending the Airhorns and Lasers Party, which is bound to be the hottest part in Vegas this weekend!

We will also be hanging out and showing our love at the Red Cart Booth (#1121 - right by Midwest Photo Exchange) We will be there:

Monday: 1-4pm Tuesday 1-3pm

Make sure to stop by, give us a BIG high-five and check out how awesome Red Cart is!

Also keep your eyes open for the awesome stuff that our friends over at Into The Darkroom will be up to! They have a secret promo team that we will also be a part of and there are some MAJOR PERKS & PRIZES involved!!!

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See you all in VEGAS!