Rockstar Boudoir Photography: Part 2!

WOOO WEEEE!!!! First off, than you all for your comments, e-mails, texts, tweets and facebook comments on the images from Part 1 of the Rockstar Boudoir Photography Event! The photographs are getting quite the response and I'm super stoked about it! Many of you are asking about the post processing, so I'll explain my thought process a little more! The inspiration I gathered for this year's event was influenced heavily by Polaroid film. It was also inspired heavily by the beautiful and unpredictable 'mistakes' that are made when shooting film in general - especially light leaks. I have always thought that light leaks are gorgeous and I'm very happy with my re-creation of this effect into these images!

Mission Accomplished! Now, onto the hot stuff...

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I'm going to go ahead and give a big HELL YEAH to all of the ladies who were a part of this year's Rockstar Boudoir Photography Event - you are all gorgeous!